52 research outputs found

    Deep Predictive Coding Neural Network for RF Anomaly Detection in Wireless Networks

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    Intrusion detection has become one of the most critical tasks in a wireless network to prevent service outages that can take long to fix. The sheer variety of anomalous events necessitates adopting cognitive anomaly detection methods instead of the traditional signature-based detection techniques. This paper proposes an anomaly detection methodology for wireless systems that is based on monitoring and analyzing radio frequency (RF) spectrum activities. Our detection technique leverages an existing solution for the video prediction problem, and uses it on image sequences generated from monitoring the wireless spectrum. The deep predictive coding network is trained with images corresponding to the normal behavior of the system, and whenever there is an anomaly, its detection is triggered by the deviation between the actual and predicted behavior. For our analysis, we use the images generated from the time-frequency spectrograms and spectral correlation functions of the received RF signal. We test our technique on a dataset which contains anomalies such as jamming, chirping of transmitters, spectrum hijacking, and node failure, and evaluate its performance using standard classifier metrics: detection ratio, and false alarm rate. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed methodology effectively detects many unforeseen anomalous events in real time. We discuss the applications, which encompass industrial IoT, autonomous vehicle control and mission-critical communications services.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, Communications Workshop ICC'1

    Pembiayaan Sistem Bagi Hasil Lembaga Keuangan Syariah pada Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Kabupaten Jember

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    This study aims to know the implementation of “pembiayaan bagi hasil” conducted by the islamic financial institutions including the type of financing given outcomes, the problems during the implementation from the islamic financial instituitons and partners view. This study is a qualitative research with multi-case studies approach, the research examines two or more subjects, background, or storage of research data. Stages of research conducted field study/survey is used to find the problem of financing system in Islamic Financial Institutions and their partners. The result shows that overall of seven islamic financial institutions have “pembiayaan bagi hasil” and Musyarakah financing as one of their products in providing services to their business partners. But it its implementation, there are three main problems, they are  the lack of financial statement reports, the side streams, and asymetry of information. From the problem, researches gives some solutions, the first is the partner need a mentoring about financial statement report periodically, raise public awareness about honesty culture, and improve the quality and quantity of human resources on islamic financial institutions. Keyword: Profit Loss Sharing, Islamic Financial Institutions, SME


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    Background and Purpose: Recently, human impacts on marine ecosystems have intensified as the population and pressures increase. Human-originated pollutants of all kinds have impacted the oceans and the marine ecosystems. Oil spills, sewage, plastics, chemicals, garbage, carbon dioxide, and overfishing are the most challenging issues. It is known that school students are the future generation; they receive their information at school. Therefore, it is essential to assess students' knowledge and awareness regarding ocean related issues.   Methodology: This study investigated ocean literacy (OL) of primary school students at international schools in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, based on the seven principles of ocean literacy. Resources from which children get information about the oceans was also investigated. Finally, the study investigated the attitudes of primary school students towards learning oceanography, protecting the oceans, and the relationship between humans and the environment. A questionnaire had been adapted from the Survey of Ocean Literacy and Experience (SOLE) and the Survey of Ocean Stewardship (SOS). The SOLE and SOS surveys had been developed originally by Greely (2008). However, due to the grade level of students and time issues, the number of questionnaire items were reduced and simplified. The questionnaire was distributed in two separate sessions. Students from three international schools, boys' sections, received the survey. 120 students answered the SOLE, and 102 students answered the SOS.   Findings: Results indicated a rather moderate level of ocean literacy of participants with a mean score of 12.56 (SD= 5.18) concerning the SOLE, and a mean score of 3.30 (SD= 1.12) concerning the SOS. As for the resource of information, results indicated the education program to be the students’ main source of education, television channels came second.   Contributions: Students of Riyadh international primary schools showed a positive attitude toward ocean stewardship. The study can help policy makers, curriculum developers and textbook authors to better understand the level of ocean literacy among students and take decisions to develop school curricula especially in the efforts to align with UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). It also corresponds to the 2020-2030 vision in Saudi Arabia.   Keywords: Ocean Literacy level, ocean Sciences materials, Saudi Arabia learners' attitudes   Cite as: Aboulail, F. S., & Ahmad Tajuddin, A. J. (2021). Ocean literacy of primary students of international schools in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.  Journal of Nusantara Studies, 6(2), 403-423. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol6iss2pp403-42

    Peningkatan pemahaman materi melaksanakan peran dalam keluarga mata pelajaran IPS Kelas II menggunakan metode Scramble di MI Al Hidayah Wedoro Glagah Lamongan

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    Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, 2018. Peningkatan Pemahaman Materi Melaksanakan Peran Dalam Keluarga Mata Pelajaran Ips Kelas II Menggunakan Metode Scramble Di MI Al Hidayah Wedoro Glagah Lamongan. Skripsi Prodi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Pembimbing 1 Zudan Rosyidi, MA., dan Pembimbing 2 Wahyuniati, M.Si. Latar belakang penelitian ini adanya kesulitan yang dialami siswa kelas II MI Al Hidayah Wedoro Glagah Lamongan. Dibuktikan dengan nilai rata-rata hasil pra siklus dari 30 siswa kelas II, 13 siswa yang tuntas dalam tes dan mencapai 43.33% ketuntansan dalam belajar. Penyebabnya adalah siswa merasa bosan dengan pembelajaran yang sangat jarang menggunakan metode yang menarik dan mengaktifkan siswa. Solusi mengatasi masalah ini adalah menerapkan metode scramble. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu: 1) Untuk Mengetahui penerapan Metode Pembelajaran scramble materi melaksanakan peran dalam keluarga pada siswa kelas II Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Hidayah Wedoro Glagah Lamongan, 2) untuk Mengetahui peningkatan pemahaman materi melaksanakan peran dalam keluarga pada siswa kelas II Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Hidayah Wedoro Glagah Lamongan dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran scramble. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah menggunakan model Kurt Lewin. Subjek penelitian 30 siswa kelas II MI Al Hidayah ajaran 2017/2018. Penelitian ini dilakukan sebanyak 2 siklus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang menggunakan tes tulis menggunakan butir soal scramble, observasi dengan menggunakan instrumen lembar observasi aktivitas guru dan siswa, wawancara menggunakan format panduan wawancara guru dan siswa, serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut: 1) Penerapan metode scramble pada mata pelajaran IPS materi melaksanakan peran dalam keluarga di kelas II MI Al Hidayah Lamongan sangat baik. Skor aktivitas guru adalah 79.1 (baik) pada siklus I menjadi 94.4 (sangat baik) pada siklus II. Aktivitas siswa mengalami peningkatan yaitu 79.1 (baik) pada siklus I meningkat menjadi 94.4 (sangat baik ) pada siklus II. 2) Pemahaman siswa terhadap materi melaksanakan peran dalam keluarga di kelas II mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dari nilai rata-rata kelas 68 (cukup) pada siklus I mengalami peningkatan 85 (Baik) pada siklus II. Prosentase tingkat ketuntasan belajar sebesar 53.3% (sangat tidak baik) dari 30 siswa 16 siswa yang tuntas pada siklus I meningkat menjadi 80% (Baik) dari 30 siswa 24 yang tuntas pada siklus II


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    AHMAD JAUHAR ARIEF. 1987.The composition and distribution of coral-reef molluscs community in Leuweung Sancang Reserve, West Java,Berita Biologi,3(7): 310 - 316.Observation was made on the moluscan fauna of coral-reef area at Leuweung Sancang Rcseive, West Java.All together,43 species of molluscs,representing three classes were collected The study mostly concern with the composition and distribution of these groups of animal.The analysis suggest that type of substrats is one of the major factors influencing the life habit of mollusc.The relationship between two aspects with the life habit and habitat is discussed

    Analisa Tingkat Kebisingan Di Kamar Mesin Dan Ruang Akomodasi Pada Kapal Penyeberangan Ketapang - Gilimanuk Serta Pemilihan Alternatif Peredaman

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    Kebisingan adalah bunyi atau suara yang tidak dikehendaki dan dapat mengganggu kesehatan, kenyamanan serta dapat menimbulkan ketulian. Kebisingan dengan intensitas tinggi yang tidak disadari menyebabkan dampak yang serius bagi ABK. Karena dari sebagaimana yang kita ketahui untuk keondisi kerja di kamar mesin kapal kenyamanan merupakan salah satu faktor penting untuk menunjang aktivitas para ABK, karena waktu lama kerja pada daerah tersebut dapat berlangsung lama sesuai dengan rute pelayaran kapal tersebut. Hal ini juga berpengaruh terhadap kenyamanan penumpang. Maka dari itu perlu dilakukannya analisa akan kebisingan di kamar mesin dan ruang akomodasi pada kapal KMP. Dharma Rucitra serta memilih alternatif peredamannya. Analisa dilakukan pada saat kapal berlayar sehingga dapat didapatkan data yang lebih akurat. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada tempat – tempat yang telah diatur oleh standar MSC.337(91). Pengukuran dilakukan dengan alat soundlevel meter. Dari hasi pengukuran diketahui bahwa terdapat 7 ruangan pada kapal KM. Dharma Rucitra yang tidak memenuhi standar dari MSC.337(91) yaitu diantaranya Engine Control Room, Store Room, Ruang Akomodasi Penumpang (sound system x menyala), Ruang Akomodasi ABK 1, Ruang Akomodasi ABK 7, Ruang Akomodasi ABK 8, Ruang Akomodasi ABK 10. kebisingan dapat dikurangi dengan memberikan peredaman berupa pemasangan glaswool pada ruangan yang tidak sesuai dengan standar. Dengan pemasangan glaswool dan rockwool tingkat kebisingan dapat berkurang sekitar 36 dB dan 41 dB pada ruangan – ruangan tersebut.Selain itu demi kenyamanan para ABK, maka diberikan alat pelindung kebisingan dan pengaturan ulang jam kerja. ======================================================================================================== Noise is sound that is not wanted by the perceiver, because it is unpleasant, disrupt health, comfort and can cause deaf. Noise with high intensity can cause serious health impacts for seafarers. Because comfort is one of the important factors for seafarer’s work condition in engine room, it’s because work duration in that area could be in long time accordance with ship’s route. It is also affect passengers comfort. Therefore it needs analysis of the noise in engine room and accommodation spaces on KM. Dharma Rucitra, and choose an alternative noise reduction. Analysis done at the time when vessel sail, so that data obtained would be more accurate. Collecting the data based on area that are arranged on MSC.337(91) standard. The tool for measurement is soundlevel meters. Based on the measurement result known there are seven space on KM. Dharma Rucitra ship that does not meet MSC.337(91) standard, Engine Control Room, Store Room, Accomodation Room Seafarer 1, Passenger Room, Accomodation Room Seafarer 7, Accomodation Room Seafarer 8, Accomodation Room Seafarer 10. xii Noise can be reduced by giving noise reduction with installation of glasswool at rooms that are not accordance with standard. By putting glasswools and rockwools, the noise level can be reduced about 36 dB and 41 dB in the rooms. In addition for comfort, seafarers given protective noise equipment and repeated arrangement working hours

    A Malaysian professional communication skills in English framework for English for occupational purposes courses

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    Malaysian employers have considerable reservations when it comes to graduates’ employability skills, particularly their flawed English language competence. Given the challenges faced by higher education institutions in Malaysia to match employers’ requirements, there is a need to initiate holistic and comprehensive research on the curriculum practices of current English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) courses. This study sought to better comprehend employers’ perspectives, expectations and practices in dealing with the English language demands of the workplace environment. The requirements demanded by Malaysian employers will determine the key definition of professional communication skills for successful workplace functions. The aim of this study was twofold. Firstly, it intended to define Professional Communication Skills (PCS) by looking at the needs and requirements of Malaysian stakeholders, namely employers, the government and academia. This component explores the requirements, suggestions as well as common practices in relation to English language communication carried out at the workplace in the public and private sectors in Malaysia as voiced by the stakeholders. These valuable facts will help to fulfil the fundamental objective of this study, which is to determine the key definition of professional communication skills identified by Malaysian stakeholders for successful workplace functions. A clearly defined Professional Communication Skills Framework in English is aimed for at the end of this study. Secondly, it also aims to produce an informed, impartial and highly valid PCS framework for English by having the stakeholders thoroughly involved in creating meaning and amending the components within the framework during the validation stage of the study. Additionally, in order to make sure that the framework is not only valid but also achievable, a few experts in the field of teaching English in higher education have looked through the framework thoroughly. This qualitative study sits within the interpretivist paradigm, where data were primarily drawn from in-depth interviews with 24 respondents in the following subgroups: 1) human resource managers from key multi-national industries (10 respondents); 2) government executives who recruit entry-level employees for public sector (4 respondents) and; 3) EOP instructors and HE liaison officers for industrial training (10 respondents). The data were subjected to rigorous deductive and iterative analysis in which soft systems methodology (SSM) was applied. To assure the rigour, integrity and legitimacy of the research process and its worth, trustworthiness criteria were applied all the way through the study. Key findings of the study centre on the complexities of graduates’ English language workplace literacies, where it was discovered that the balance of breadth and depth of communicative competence should be embedded throughout the system of education, as early as in pre-primary education. Contrary to expectations, the findings illustrate that graduates’ personal attributes were rated more important than communicating fluently in the English language. Stakeholders compellingly proposed that these attributes should be stressed during the teaching and learning process in HE institutions and observable measures should be designed to assess the graduates’ personal attributes that are desired by stakeholders. The findings also stress the dire need to put emphasis on fluency over accuracy in the HE curriculum. This study has yielded findings that make an original contribution to both the theory and practice of English language literacies since it adds to the broader view of workplace literacies by unveiling the requirements for English language used in a professional setting situated in a Malaysian context. This study has provided conclusive evidence by documenting Malaysian stakeholders’ requirements regarding the workplace literacies of graduates, scrutinising the findings and developing a practical PCS framework for English, using a Communication Competence Model (Morealle, Spitzberg and Barge, 2007) as its point of departure. These outcomes are especially beneficial for informing policy makers’ agendas in producing competent graduates for the future local and global workforce

    A Malaysian professional communication skills in English framework for English for occupational purposes courses

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    Malaysian employers have considerable reservations when it comes to graduates’ employability skills, particularly their flawed English language competence. Given the challenges faced by higher education institutions in Malaysia to match employers’ requirements, there is a need to initiate holistic and comprehensive research on the curriculum practices of current English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) courses. This study sought to better comprehend employers’ perspectives, expectations and practices in dealing with the English language demands of the workplace environment. The requirements demanded by Malaysian employers will determine the key definition of professional communication skills for successful workplace functions. The aim of this study was twofold. Firstly, it intended to define Professional Communication Skills (PCS) by looking at the needs and requirements of Malaysian stakeholders, namely employers, the government and academia. This component explores the requirements, suggestions as well as common practices in relation to English language communication carried out at the workplace in the public and private sectors in Malaysia as voiced by the stakeholders. These valuable facts will help to fulfil the fundamental objective of this study, which is to determine the key definition of professional communication skills identified by Malaysian stakeholders for successful workplace functions. A clearly defined Professional Communication Skills Framework in English is aimed for at the end of this study. Secondly, it also aims to produce an informed, impartial and highly valid PCS framework for English by having the stakeholders thoroughly involved in creating meaning and amending the components within the framework during the validation stage of the study. Additionally, in order to make sure that the framework is not only valid but also achievable, a few experts in the field of teaching English in higher education have looked through the framework thoroughly. This qualitative study sits within the interpretivist paradigm, where data were primarily drawn from in-depth interviews with 24 respondents in the following subgroups: 1) human resource managers from key multi-national industries (10 respondents); 2) government executives who recruit entry-level employees for public sector (4 respondents) and; 3) EOP instructors and HE liaison officers for industrial training (10 respondents). The data were subjected to rigorous deductive and iterative analysis in which soft systems methodology (SSM) was applied. To assure the rigour, integrity and legitimacy of the research process and its worth, trustworthiness criteria were applied all the way through the study. Key findings of the study centre on the complexities of graduates’ English language workplace literacies, where it was discovered that the balance of breadth and depth of communicative competence should be embedded throughout the system of education, as early as in pre-primary education. Contrary to expectations, the findings illustrate that graduates’ personal attributes were rated more important than communicating fluently in the English language. Stakeholders compellingly proposed that these attributes should be stressed during the teaching and learning process in HE institutions and observable measures should be designed to assess the graduates’ personal attributes that are desired by stakeholders. The findings also stress the dire need to put emphasis on fluency over accuracy in the HE curriculum. This study has yielded findings that make an original contribution to both the theory and practice of English language literacies since it adds to the broader view of workplace literacies by unveiling the requirements for English language used in a professional setting situated in a Malaysian context. This study has provided conclusive evidence by documenting Malaysian stakeholders’ requirements regarding the workplace literacies of graduates, scrutinising the findings and developing a practical PCS framework for English, using a Communication Competence Model (Morealle, Spitzberg and Barge, 2007) as its point of departure. These outcomes are especially beneficial for informing policy makers’ agendas in producing competent graduates for the future local and global workforce

    Brain drain of Malaysian talent to Singapore

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    Globalization has inadvertently brought about the global war for talent.The competition for talent is not merely confined to companies but has extended to countries.Countries with the best talents are the ones most likely to attract foreign investments.As foreign companies and entrepreneurs mull over which Asian country to base their business operations in, the availability of a productive, cost-effective, and efficient workforce definitely plays in favor of a given business jurisdiction.This article was motivated by the increasing number of Malaysian professionals fleeing the home country to serve in foreign lands.With the Prime Minister’s agenda of trying to achieve the high income nation status before 2020 at hand, this has been a critical issue and warrants immediate attention.This article addresses the need of these experts here in the home country to improve the nation’s economy. While the country is losing high skilled labor, it is only able to attract low skilled labor.Also the main concern is that Malaysia is losing its most talented citizens to its closest neighbor such as Singapore, Australia and also to the USA, UK, Hong Kong just to name a few. This article looks at factors that have led to the Brain Drain phenomenon and intends to put forward efforts in order to overcome this predicament
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